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Shen Yun Review: Renee Willis, lecturer at Argosy University and Chaffey College

“The performance was the best exhilarating performance I’ve ever seen. Phenomenal pageantry, creativity. And it gave me a history lesson in the culture of China. So I want to tell all of my friends, my students, my coworkers to come out and see this production. It’s life-changing. Very inspirational... It [Shen Yun] told a story, very truthful, and again very, very spiritual. It talks about heaven a lot. It talked about divine inspiration, and it gave you a sense of hope through the lyrics of the songs. So it was a lesson. It was a lesson that love and creativity, and tradition, and history can all come together for a production such as this. Loved it, loved it.”

Renee Willis, lecturer at Argosy University and Chaffey College